
The archive includes notes, previous versions of the Hollin Codex web site, and some teaser text.


Pictures of the players (Kelly, Derek, Steve, Keith) here and here.

Keith's game notes

Keith's player notes tell the story from the party's perspective. Many thanks Keith!

Dungeon Master game notes

My DM prep notes were unfiltered research and brainstorming, with some coalescing into a game outline, and some further coalescing into text to read the players.

The campaign journal links to detailed recaps for each game. For a readable description of each game, see those instead of the DM notes.

Aeris's necromancy

Here are the necromancy rituals and powers that Aeris learned.


Here is the treasure the party won, tracked by character and level.

Teaser text

I wrote some teaser text while I was brainstorming for the campaign. They mention a lot of material that made it into the game, like Hollin and Braddock, Hilde, the Mooncalf, and the Mooncalf opium dens.

Hollin Codex evolution

Previous versions of the Hollin Codex are here.