Roland Gray – Private Investigator, Hollin Roland was born in Hollin in the City of the Dead. One extra mouth to fed among the poor, Roland got out and made his own way on the streets. Stealing or working odd jobs to live. Always keeping out of the way of the Hobnails, Night Watches and the other gangs. Eventually he met a kindly old wizard who needed someone to run errands and help out so he was taken in. The wizard, Tiberius Gray, treated Roland well and once Roland showed that he had some aptitude, taught him some basic arcane lore and spells. Last year Tiberius passed on and Roland was left with nothing other than his hard-won knowledge. He took on the wizard’s last name as a reminder of his benefactor. Now Roland makes his living as a private investigator. He’ll look for missing persons, lost items, and investigate matters of a magical nature. He has a small office/apartment in the top floor of a rickety building on Market Street. Roland is of slight build, 5’6”, dark hair and eyes. He is no stranger to a fight but prefers to avoid them if at all possible. He’s thoughtful, inquisitive and a good person at heart but is mostly motivated by self-preservation. Neutral Alignment.