9/22/24 Vesper says a hobnail named Ulrike can give us info. about the secret police prison (Hobnail Prison). Meet Ulrike at the Halfpenny the next morning. Hughe Lane knows the Hobnails. Ulrike wants into the prison to talk to Laars. His Boss Laars is in the prison. Ulrike intends to kill Laars. His way in/out is through the cisterns. The prison is 4 towers. Laars is in the North Tower. Cotton will be in the East Tower. Ulrike says the Hobnail gang is named after the prison, used to be a prison gang, Laars is the Boss but Ulrike suspects Laars is working for the secret police. The prison is on the East side of town by the river. We go to the maintenance grate at the fountain. An urchin enters the cisterns through the grate. The path is used by urchins. Urchins scatter before us. We reach the Grand Cistern, high vaulted ceiling, island of found objects, 4 chairs. 4 people along with urchins standing there that we avoid. (Melicent, The Rat Queen) We leave the cistern up a rusty ladder. Laars is not in his cell. Cell Block #2. All the cell doors are open. No sign of a fight. Cell Block #4. Next cell block open cells and three people in a cell, one on the ground. “I was in the water and it was cold” He seems to have a psychological problem. The others also say the water is cold and dark. The water was the sea. The phrase has no significance to us. We leave them. Cell block 5, cell doors open, empty. Rubble at tunnel. Canon and person on the ground. brick wall blown down. “The water was the sea, I woke up in the sea. I was born in the sea” Ulrike last visited Laars 2 weeks ago. Roland Casts Disguise Self (secret police guard). Through the tunnel to the East Tower. More rubble, brick wall blown down. East Tower area. Man on ground. “The sea was full of life, so much life, I journey and learned. Cold and dark” Roland thinks that some mental magic or supernatural effect was used. Floor officers room. Desk, keys. Roland takes the keys. Log of guards activities. Cotton is listed as transferred from a cell block to a Exam Room (2 days ago). No entries since. Mail slots. Most empty but there are 2 letters. Notes to Durer from Guilder (Secret Police Spy Chief) and Lavinia (?). East to 9. Stone blocks and bricks, stone cutting tools. 7. cages full of hungry rats. 11. beakers, vials, alchemy lab, journal of notes. 8. hand clamps, cranks. 10. Forge, Hearth (cold), chain links 13. Forge, Hearth (cold), worked metal, probably armor 12. empty room North to 3. Library. Medical or chemistry supplies. “I learned from the sea. I fed and grew strong” 4. Exam Room. Gurney. People enter and attack us. 4 total wielding syringers and blunt objects. Fight. Patients have a Disturbing Mind Feed attack (Psychic damage). Roland is poisoned and prone to tell the truth. We take a Short Rest. Prisoner & Doctor. “a mesh of ropes caught me and pulled me out of the water. Empty 14. Empty. 16. 8 Prisioners. Christopher Cotton was taken away 2 days ago. We rescue some prisioners. They used the walls to stop the attackers. 15. More crazy prisioners. “They pulled my up in a net and they took us to Gregor the Naturalist” “Gregor studied me, he had a strong mind and he resisted me” 17. More prisioners. Stairs up. Circular room. Reception room. Desk. Journal. Mail slots. Alisandre is the Inquisitor Chief. Lavinia is the Chief of the “Black Rose” The secret police thought of recruiting Roland, Gwyneth and Hughe. 3.Work/Living area. Letter Alisandre: Burbage’s tontine bought Volstead House’s coca powder business, so I can take personal control of it by surviving the tontine. So as Lars, I’ve ordered the Hobnails not to interfere in Hollin’s coca traffic. The two of us are going to be very wealthy. – Guilder We discuss the situation with Ulrike. Guilder is either Laars or has assumed his persona. 6. Office, desk, roses absorbing black ink. Locked Safe. LOOT: Notes, The Black Rose are the Secret Police Assassins. 5. Desk, 3 disguise Kits (+1), Safe, note We’ve also connected Quinton to an “Artimus Gordon.” He is highly perceptive and reads people well, and has a weakness for worldly delights, which we should exploit to recruit him as a double agent. – Gower. More recruitment notes probably. 1.Notes. Durer: Vesper Cotton has been associating with one Kazola, daughter and smith in a family that has long smithed for Cotton House. Given smiths’ dark arts and associations, we should monitor her and investigate her family’s history. -- Guilder Durer: The former Master of Revels, Ella, has not been seen for a few days. – Guilder