We go up the stairs, and are now above ground. Stone tower, stone walls, wood floors, cannons pushed aside, cannon portals are bricked up, chain spindle (foot long chain links), practice dummies (training room), screaming form above us. We charge up the stairs. Next level up. Glass tank holding an amorphous creature, in water, menacing someone lying on a table (Christopher Cotton). Three Secret Police people here attack us. Fight! Roland uses his invisible mage hand to begin to free the torture victim. The amorphous creature attacks (“The Globster”) with psychic damage. The three Secret Police (Durer (broadsword), Guilder (dagger) and Alisandre (psychic) attack us. Geoffraie attacks Alisandre, downing her. Party fights Guilder. Fight continues. Party defeats Guilder, with Marina delivering the final blow. Party engages Durer. Geoffraie swings at the glass tank holding Globster. Party defeats Durer, with Marina delivering the final blow. Roland moves Cotton out of harms way. Gwyneth has been healing the party throughout the fight. Geoffraie, Hughe and Marina continue to smash the tank glass. The tank is shattered and the Globster dies. The Secret Police are dead. Roland searches for clues and loot. We find Alisandre’s ring (Ring of Perspicacity - an unadorned gold ring that gives +2 to Insight checks, and allows the bearer to cast Detect Thoughts one time between long rests. Given to Hugh) We examine Cotton. He is suffering from Exhaustion (4 levels, from mental torture). We take a Short Rest. A woman comes up the stairs, followed by 10 more people. Roland asks “Who are you?” “Marina says “she’s an assassin” She is Levina, Assassin leader of the Black Rose. She knows we have the disguise kits. She indicated Laars/Durer death leaves The Hobnails leaderless. The Board uses The Lions Mouth as an information gathering method. She mentions Roland is meeting with Vincent in a week. Roland tells Levina that “I don’t believe you have any real friends.” We leave the prison with Cotton. We return to Roland’s apartment, on Market Street. We all rest that night. A messenger arrives at Roland’s apartment. The Board Chairman Melina Chairperson of the Anhault Charter Company board. wants to speak with Roland. He agrees to meet in an hour. We meet at Roland’s apartment and talk to Cotton. We tell Cotton the whole truth and he is shocked and hurt about Vesper telling the Secret Police Cotton was witch. Cotton is alarmed that the Globster was mind controlling people. Cotton suggests talking to Gregor about the Globster. Cotton wants to rest at Roland’s and is worried he is not an ally with his brother and he should find other allies. We go to the Great Council Hall to speak with Melina. We discussed Roland’s meeting with Helmholz and she’s says he is now missing. She says that she has not seen Duerer for a few days. Roland confirms that he is investigating a series of disappearances in town but doesn’t go into details. Roland says he will continue to investigate. She says that Parja, the Secretary of the Admiralty. We decide to stop by to see Miss Miller, Mooncalf tavern owner, Toffers gang leader. Roland speaks to Vincent somalier is at the Mooncalf. Vincent recommends a bottle. Roland tells Vincent oh his concerns for Miss Miller and Vincent says he will warn her. Vincent says it’s ok to bring friends to the Black Cabaret. We return to Roland’s apartment and speak to Cotton. We ask Cotton about his brother. After Vesper, Roland & Gwyneth defeated Astrid (a witch), Vesper accused his brother, Cotton, of his brother of witchcraft. Roland & Gwyneth remember not opposing Vesper’s accusation of witchcraft. Cotton says his house will aid us when he able but will return to his other allies. We agree to only tell Vesper that we have rescued Christopher Cotton, tell him that he is recuperating. Vesper thanks us and gives us aid. Kozola arrives with the Stakeholders, Grace (the boss), Sumner, Woodruff). They don’t want us to share info. about Phyla house. Roland shows them the Bat Rapier. The rapier was Tamara Marshall’s Lolani Phyla’s vampire enforcer. She moonshadowed back into her coffin. Kaskar, at the Mooncalf has fought vampires and might be a good source of info. The Phyla house does not have rabies. How to Defeat Vampires: Stake them in their coffin Desecrate the coffin (Bless) They give us 2x +1 Magic Bows, 4 Magic Arrows (Shafts of Sigrid). Given to Hugh and Marina. Phyla House Manor: on the corner of Quay Street and Drew Street on the boundary between Braddock and the foreign quarter. At Phyla house, at no one answers the door. Roland takes then to see Kaskar. Kaskar tells us about the Vampires. They were all infected by rabies in a bat guano mine in Hild. They had rabies ability (necrotic burst & superspeed). Vampires can cause Fear. He gives is a +2 Magic Dagger. We check magic items. Plyla house vampires worship Valley the Goddess of Night. We thank Kaskar for his help. Kaskar seems like he smells something. We will talk to Gregor about the Gobster and vampires. We will look for potions and holy water. (We can buy +1 magic weapons at the weapon shop)