FYI, my notes from today…… A few days after the last adventure. Emergency at the Shipyards, Admiralty asks for our help. We head to the Admiralty Brig. Iron door mangled. We meet Omar. All the Brig officers dead and all prisoners except one escaped Prisoner, Unger. Unger brought in 2 years ago, doesn’t speak, arrested at Gregor the Naturalist’s house. Aisha, Adrmiralty Investigator, brought her in. Bodies on the floor seem to have bug bites on unprotected skin, killed by suffocation. Unger’s cell was C10. Rooms off G1 have dead guards with similar bites. Ledger shows Unger had one regular visitor, Hiral, advocate for Unger. Mirabelle visited Unger twice. Gregor visited twice. Roland collects dead bugs and copies 4 symbols (square circle circle square). Box with a human head, Aisha, letter. Bright flash of light, and swarm of insects (scorpion flies). Roland runs away taking the box heading to Gregor’s house. Hughe, Gwin and Rowan battle the bugs. The Note: doubletap, verb: to attack (for example, bomb) a facility, wait briefly for rescue workers to arrive, then attack again to kill the rescuers. Roland sends the Oz, the Owl, to Gregor’s house to warn him to go to Roland’s house. Oz is sent to find the party and bring them to his house. We tell Gregor what happened and show him the bugs. The first dead bugs were stink bugs. Gregor says Lofton is full of the stink bugs. The stink bugs come out every 6 years. The scorpion flies come out every 13 years. This year for both. We discuss the Unger events. Gregor goes to Lofton forests a few times a week looking for plant. He talks to Mirabelle and the lumber jacks in the forests. Mirabelle grew up in the forests. Mirablee came to Gregor’s house with a sore arm, Aishe healed her arm. Unger hurt Aishe’s arm when he tried to be romantic. That is why Unger was arrested. Aishe’s head was severed with a weapon. Gregor does not recognize the symbols. Gregor says Mirabelle spends time in the Glade, Market & Oak streets, park, hill, the hill is the Glade. Mirabelle gave him a simple necklace. Hiral, lives in the Mooncalf Inn and is retired. Gregor agrees that Unger was treated unfairly. We rest at Roland’s. Chamber’s Apothecary will have potions, antivenoms. He is looking for wormwood and love-in-idleness plants, silver motes. He will craft some bug repellents for tomorrow. We stop by the Mooncalf looking for Hiral. Hiral is related to Mirabelle. The Mooncalf is the largest Inn in Hollin with 6 floors of rooms, opium dens in the basement. We go see Hiral. We tell her of the Unger story and recent events. Her apartment is very luxurious. She has a craft table with pieces similar to Gregor’s necklace. She is Unger’s half Aunt and Mirabelle’s half sister. She tells us Unger lives in Lofton in the cave, near the Glade, as a Trapper. The stream comes out of the cave under the Glade. We enter Lofton Forest and go to the Glade. One old man on the bench. We speak to the old man. He says he’s enjoying the Summer Solstice. Gwin questions him, he says it’s the high point of the Broods, 7 year stink bug, 13 year scorpion fly, 17 silver motes, the 11 year candle fly. Only happens every 17, 017 years. The old man likes the silver motes. He’s looking forward to meeting her. He doesn’t know Unger. He does know of the caves, Kaya, Larkin (Unger’s parents). He thinks Kaya can speak but doesn’t. They are probably in the cave under the hill. We find the stream leading from the cave. We enter the cave following the stream. There are trees with leaves. The trees are not trees but stone trunks and the leaves are actually live insects. Roland screams and tries and tries to leave. The leaf insects all fly out. There is a camp in the center. The camp is empty. The home of three people and trapper implements. The fire is still lit. We continue on to the tunnel on the far side. Oz flies head 100 feet. Each room has many columns. The cave room is precisely crafted out of stone. Stairs down. Room 5 has the four symbols. Sounds of a girl talking to someone else. Oz sees Hiral next to a cage with a girl in it. Hiral says she can’t unlock the cage. The Brrod Queens have left the Sanctuary and heading to the Market Square to unleash their vengeance. “Why did you lie to us?” She says she doesn’t owe us anything. Roland releases Mirabelle. She says that Unger’s parents are the Brood Queen and King and will unleash their vengeance for his imprisonment. The Old Man is probably the manifestation of the Silver Mote Brood. We leave the cave and go to the Glade to find Old Man, Barleycorn. We ask his help with the other Broods. He agrees to help. We rush to the Market Square. We charge the Queens; Mamba, Sable and Raven and the giant lightning bug. WE kill the Queens and their large bugs. The swarms leaves. Barleycorn leaves. Unger will region with Mirabelle. Gwin will get some big bugs for Gregor.