The Master of Revels, Group B: Brandon, Buck, Karen, Lou, Nick, Rob

The Master of Revels is a one-shot adventure (now multiple adventures) in the city of Hollin. Thanks Brandon, Buck, Karen, Lou, Nick, and Rob!


1 - The Tontine

Artimus Gordon, Kazola, Quinton Smith, and Vesper Cotton meet their friend Burgess for dinner at the Mooncalf, but Burgess is attacked there. Investigating, the party discovers that Cankerblossom's tontine has turned Hollin's rich against each other in a winner-take-all fight. Cankerblossom suggests that Phyla House attacked Burgess, and they find the Moonwell vampire lair under Phyla House's manor, where they kill Lolani Phyla. They take the tontine subscriber list from her, which includes Vesper's brother Christopher, and Vesper says he might kill the other subscribers for Cotton House.

2 - The Globster

Artimus, Kazola, Melek Valentooth, and Vesper head to Hobnail Prison to rescue Vesper's brother Christopher. In the Cisterns, Hollin's old storm drain network, they meet the Rat Queen Millicent, who says she is the rightful Gradskan royal heir and claims Vesper's fealty. In the Prison, they discover the Globster has infected the secret police and prisoners with its viral consciousness. They kill the Globster, the chief inquisitor Alisandre, and two tontine subscribers: the secret police chief Durer and the spy master Guilder, who is also the Hobnail gang leader Lars.

3 - The Anti-Banqueting Bill (in progress)

The party escapes Hobnail Prison with Christoper. Back in the city, the Company chairwoman Melina tells the party - now Artimus, Beardy, Kazola, Vesper - that Helmholtz is missing. They discover that Helmholtz and the Admiralty Secretary Parja went to Miss Miller's weekly salon to confront her over their anti-banqueting bill, which she defeated in the Great Council. At Miss Miller's apartment, the party finds Miss Miller's butcher Umberto cutting Parja up, and Kazola kills Umberto with her mind.