The Master of Revels, Group E: Fred, Karen, Keith, Scott, Tracy

The Master of Revels is a mini-campaign in the city of Hollin. Thanks Fred, Karen, Keith, Scott, Tracy!


1 - The Tontine

Geoffraie, Gwyneth, Hughe Lane, and Roland Gray meet their friend Burgess for dinner at the Mooncalf. Burgess is attacked there, and they deduce that Phyla House vampires are responsible. The party discovers that Mr. Burbage's (actually Cankerblossom's) tontine has turned Hollin's rich against each other in a winner-take-all fight, including Christopher Cotton. Talking with Vesper Cotton and his smith Kazola, they agree to free Christopher Cotton from the secret police prison if Kazola will help them against Phyla House.

2 - Hobnail Prison

The party, now with Marina Gale, sneaks into the secret police prison to free Christopher Cotton. They find the prison is in disarray, and everyone there is infected with a mysterious psychic illness; prisoners and secret police Inquisitors attack the party and feed on their minds. They find a trove of secret police mail implying that the secret police chief Durer had the previous Master of Revels Ella killed, that the secret police Spy chief Guilder is the Hobnail kingpin Lars, and that the secret police monitor the party and their friends.

3 - The Globster

Continuing in Hobnail Prison, the party finds the secret police - Alisandre, Durer, Guilder/Lars, and the globster - interrogating Christopher Cotton. The globster feeds on Geoffraie and Marina's minds but the party defeats them. The Black Rose assassin Lavinia suggests that with Guilder/Lars dead, the party take over the Hobnails in disguise. The Company chairperson Melina says the Master of Revels Helmholtz is missing. The Company Stakeholders and Kasskar prepare the party for Phyla House's vampires.